Acupuncture as an inseparable part of Traditional Chinese Medicine is an ancient and highly effective method of treatment. Acupuncture of today is used on all continents, in many hospitals and clinics. Unfortunately, even dough acupuncture has been applied in Europe for several centuries (in England and France since the 16th century), it has not yet been recognised and understood here locally. Despite the fact that the World Health Organisation officially recognised acupuncture in 1979, as a very effective method of treatment of many diseases, some local doctors a-priori deny acupuncture, even dough they have no knowledge about it. It is evident that such patronising doctors will deny patients the possibility of choosing a method of treatment, which they are by all means not entitled to do. Such monopolistic doctors do not know (unfortunately) that acupuncture is fully in accordance with Hippocrates’s “Primum non nocere” a Latin phrase that means “first, to do no harm.”, which can hardly be said about modern medicine, in which each medicine has some harmful effect on the patient. Today, every third inhabitant of the planet is being treated with acupuncture.
The great advantage of acupuncture over modern medicine is that it has perfect and fast diagnosis, by observation of the palms, iris, tongue, pulse and urine. This diagnostic method is so perfect that it can detect in patients, not just a momentary illness, but also the previous the present and the future. A skilled acupuncturist will thus help a patient much more quickly and efficiently than a doctor of Western modern medicine who has to send patients to many searches and lab tests, and only then diagnose and prescribe the adequate therapy, while the disease progresses in the meantime. However, the doctor of Chinese medicine does not require expensive devices (scanners, ultrasound, magnetic resonance, etc.), nor laboratory analysis, to determine the patient’s diagnosis, and hence provide him with adequate acupuncture help. This accurate Chinese diagnosis does not last in average more than 20-30 minutes. Acupuncture can be done in all conditions and circumstances, on an airplane, on a bus, in a car, in a field, in a meadow, in an apartment, a modest office, and in wartime conditions. As you can see, acupuncture does not require luxurious halls or expensive policlinics, only needles, a little cotton and alcohol, all that fits into a modest doctor’s bag.