Acupressure is an ancient Chinese method of pressing with fingers and helping oneself and others. The very name comes from Latin acus meaning “needle”.In treatment, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points. In this way, the Chinese traditional medicine establishes the balance of our life energy (Chi) and bioenergy. The final result of this method is curing or remedying certain diseases or problems. In the case of acute aches and pains, acupressure can be very helpful, especially in helping manage headaches, common or migrainous (with or without vomiting), toothache, stomach cramps, or cramps in the extremities, fainting, nausea, feeling of weakness of the entire body, high or low blood pressure, nervousness, tension, insomnia, menstrual disorders. In chronic diseases, this method can greatly alleviate pain and distress, provided that this method is practiced regularly or daily. The advantage of this method of help is that it can also be used in combination with other types of therapy, for example with Western medicine, acupuncture, medicinal herbs, proper diet, adhering to the principle of yin-yang and other methods of treatment.It is understandable that the greatest value of acupressure is that it has no contraindications, which is in accordance with the Hippocrates oath “Primum non nocere” – “first, to do no harm”. Acupressure is a method of treatment that is part of much more inclusive acupuncture, even though it has preceded acupuncture.
Acupressure is a Chinese method of pressing, rubbing, rolling, or applying pressure on the reflex zones of the body. The acupressure techniques follow in quality right after acupuncture, with the exception that fewer acupuncture points are used in acupressure.
Adhering to the Yin-Yang principle, the patient should be advised to adhere to the principles of Yin-Yang diet and lifestyle, because these are all the parameters that affect our health.
Adhering to the Yin-Yang principle, the patient should be advised to adhere to the principles of Yin-Yang diet and lifestyle, because these are all the parameters that affect our health.